23 September 2024

From Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th September, the ECHO Project hosted its M18 General Assembly and Review Meeting in Brussels, at the offices of the project partner EHPA (European Heat Pump Association). This event marked a key milestone in the project’s development, bringing together representatives from all partner institutions to discuss the progress made to date and the path forward.

The first two days were dedicated to the General Assembly, where the consortium had the opportunity to review the work done in the last six months. The meeting began with a formal introduction by the Project Coordinator, Dr. Laura Fedele, from the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), who set the stage for the discussions by outlining the agenda and main objectives. Each project partner then presented the advancements made within their specific work packages, offering an in-depth look at the achievements so far.

These two days were not only an opportunity to showcase the results gathered during the most recent reporting period, but also to address the challenges that have emerged. Partners engaged in discussions about the obstacles to be overcome in the coming months and shared insights into strategies for meeting upcoming deadlines. Additionally, the General Assembly allowed the consortium to reflect on the project’s overall progress and refine its short- and long-term objectives.

The third day, Wednesday 18th September, was devoted to the Review Meeting. The consortium presented the current status of the project’s work directly to the European Union’s Project Officer and an External Reviewer. Both the Project Officer and the Reviewer provided valuable feedback after attending the entire presentation session, helping to shape the project’s next steps and ensure alignment with EU expectations.

Looking ahead, the next project General Assembly is scheduled for November (M24) and will take place in Bilbao, Spain, hosted by the project partner Tecnalia. This upcoming meeting will offer another important occasion to evaluate the progress made and plan the future phases of the ECHO Project.

Pictures of the meeting below.