Andrea Frazzica recently participated in the 9th AIGE/IIETA International Conference and the 19th AIGE 2024 Conference. 

The conference, held in Caserta, Italy, from June 3 to June 5, 2024, focused on “Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems.” Organized under the auspices of AIGE and IIETA, the event aimed to provide a platform for researchers, industry professionals, and students to network, exchange technical information, and discuss the latest advancements in energy technologies.

For more details about the conference, please visit AIGE-IIETA Conference.

Andrea Frazzica, a key member of the Thumbs Up project, part of the TES Cluster, delivered a presentation highlighting the collaborative efforts within the TES Cluster. The ECHO project, along with BEST Storage, HYSTORE, and Thumbs Up, form a robust network aimed at addressing common scientific and technical challenges. This cluster focuses on technologies for both conventional and renewable power generation, aiming to enhance efficiency, flexibility, and reduce emissions while incorporating advanced energy storage solutions.

During his presentation, Andrea showcased the comprehensive work and achievements of the TES Cluster and provided an overview of the ECHO project’s objectives and progress. His insights and contributions underscore the importance of collaboration in advancing innovative solutions for energy challenges.